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Who We Are

Faith SDB London Baptism.jpg

About Seventh Day Baptist


Seventh Day Baptists (SDB) are Christian Baptists who observe the Biblical seventh day of the week, Sabbath (Saturday), the day established and blessed by God at earth's creation.

God commanded that the seventh day (Saturday) be kept holy. Jesus agreed by keeping it as a day of worship. We observe the seventh day of the week (Saturday) as God’s  Holy Day as an act of loving obedience – not as a means of salvation. Salvation is the free gift of God through Jesus Christ.

First Recorded Seventh Day Baptist Church
The first recorded SDB Church was the Millyard SDB Church, which was formed in London in 1617. Its original building is no longer standing, but its previous location is where the train yard is now situated near Whitechapel.

Faith SDB

Faith Seventh Day Baptist of North West London (UK) first started in March 2009.


Our mission extends beyond the four walls of our church, ministering to our community as well as to each other. Therefore, all our ministries and activities revolve around our central goal of knowing Christ and making him known.

We seek to share the good news of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and coming again.

For more information about Seventh Day Baptist, go to

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